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From Points North

Take Rt.213 south from Elkton 15 miles to Cecilton. Turn right on Rt. 282 for 2 1/2 miles. Turn left at crossroads, then bear right on Grove Neck Road. Continue for 1 1/2 miles and turn right on Pond Neck Road. Nursery will be 2 miles on the right.

From Points South

Take Rt. 213 north from Galena to Cecilton. Turn left on Rt. 282 for 2 1/2 miles. Turn left at crossroads, then bear right on Grove Neck Road. Continue for 1 1/2 miles and turn right on Pond Neck Road. Nursery will be 2 miles on the right.

From Points East

Take Rt. 299 from Middletown to Warwick. Continue straight through Warwick to Cecilton, Rt. 299 turns into Rt. 282. Continue on Rt. 282 through Cecilton approx. 2 ½ miles. Turn left at crossroads, the bear right on Grove Neck Road. Continue for 1 ½ miles and turn right on Pond Neck Rd. Nursery will be 2 miles on the right.